Friday, 22 January 2016

Upcoming Conference

Sarnia's LGBTQ+ Youth Forum

On Wednesday, February 17, the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) will hold a full-day conference around discussions of gender and sexual identity. Workshops feature such topics as language awareness, healthy relationships, two-spirited identity, feminism, and running a GSA. The conference takes place at Rebound. You can register here or by contacting Rebound at (519) 344-2841. 

Wednesday, February 17 2016, 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM [EST]
1457 London Road, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Unity in Diversity at Lambton College

Today, Lambton College's International Department created a wonderful fundraiser. 

For a $2 donation, members of our Lambton College community could add a pin to our world map to show us where they're from. Here's the finished result: a map that's increasingly full--a symbol of all we have to learn from one another.
The Unity in Diversity project, which encouraged all of us to add pins to the world map to demonstrate where we're from, raised more than $500 for the Students for Syria project at Lambton College. The results will be on display in our hallways in the future as a celebration of our increasing diversity.

Check back for further updates on what our amazing students are doing to support this cause. There's more to come!