Thursday, 23 March 2017

Empty Bowls 2017

This year marks the tenth anniversary
for Empty Bowls in Sarnia!
Join us on Friday, March 31 at the Lambton College Event Centre for a simple meal of soup and bread. 

Thanks to local businesses who generously donate the food, almost all of the $25 Empty Bowls ticket price goes directly to supporting those who need food locally: proceeds from the event go to the Inn of the Good Shepherd and the Lambton College food bank.

This is the most difficult
decision of the night:
which bowl to choose?
There are two seatings (5pm and 7pm). Tickets are available online at 

Tickets often sell out, and the 5pm seating is almost full, so order your tickets soon.

The $25 ticket includes your choice of beautiful handmade pottery bowl. Local potters donated their time to create these bowls.

Empty Bowls events take place around the world. The goal is to raise money and awareness to fight hunger.